
Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer
in Birmingham AL

Available 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week for Our Clients

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) refers to mild to severe brain damage that occurs as a result of an outside force impacting the head and injuring the brain. When the scalp, skull or body parts other than the brain are also injured, the damage is referred to by the more general term head injury. It is important to speak with an experienced attorney if you or a loved one has suffered a major injury.


At Jaffe & Erdberg, our personal injury lawyers have been recovering compensation for victims of traumatic brain injuries for numerous years. Our skill in the complexities of personal injury law ensure that we can help injury victims win the maximum settlements they deserve so they can move on with their lives. This is the most rewarding aspect of our jobs—when clients come into our office to receive their compensation. Getting this compensation makes a huge difference in the lives of our clients, something we don’t take lightly. While we will be fortunate to handle many cases throughout our careers, we know how important your case is—probably the only legal case you will ever go through. That is why we give you the diligent attention and counsel you need through this challenging time.

Causes of Traumatic Brain Injuries


The severity of a brain injury will depend on the cause of the traumatic brain injury and an individual’s medical history including other conditions from which he or she currently suffers.

When you trust your case to our firm, we consider it a serious honor. 

  • Common causes of traumatic brain injury may include:

    • Slip and falls
    • Falling objects that hit people on the head
    • Motor vehicle accidents, including car, motorcycle, and truck wrecks
    • Firearm or blast injuries, which typically affect military personnel
    • Medical malpractice, including birth injuries
    • Sports or recreational activities
    • Injuries at work

The CDC recently compiled the following traumatic brain injury statistics:

In the United States, about 1.4 million individuals sustain a traumatic brain injury each year.
Of these victims, 50,000 die, over 230,000 require hospitalization, and 1.1 million need emergency medical care.
Men are approximately 1.5 times more likely than women to experience a traumatic brain injury.
Individuals between 0 and 4 years old, as well as those between 15 and 19 years old, have the highest risk of sustaining a TBI.
African Americans have the highest incidence of fatality following a traumatic brain injury.
In 2000, traumatic brain injuries cost the public about $60 billion. This figure includes the cost of medical bills, lost productivity, and more.

What Are the Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injuries?


  • Blurry vision
  • Changes in behavior and / or mood
  • Difficulty speaking and / or concentrating
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches and / or migraines
  • Impaired motor skills, coordination, and sense of balance

  • Lethargy
  • Lightheadedness
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Memory problems
  • Nausea and / or vomiting
  • Sleeping difficulties

What to Do Following a Traumatic Brain Injury

It is obvious that individuals who suffer a traumatic brain injury should seek emergency medical care to prevent further damage to their health, in the most severe cases, prevent death. Once their health is stabilized, it is important that they follow through with all long-term prescribed treatments for the best chances of recovery.

After seeking medical care, patients should also seek legal help as they may be entitled to compensation for any damages incurred. Because of the costly medical bills that are often associated with TBIs, it is imperative for an injured individual to consult an experienced attorney with a successful track record of success in handling matters involving catastrophic injuries.


Call Jaffe & Erdberg at Today

At Jaffe & Erdberg, our injury lawyers have extensive experience in representing traumatic brain injury patients recover the compensation to which they are entitled. We have recovered millions of dollars in compensation for our clients, from lost wages to future costs of living to pain and suffering to ongoing medical expenses to past hospital bills. Our team is there for our clients every step of the way, remaining accessible and available to respond to any phone calls. We see you as our employer and give you the respect, attention and diligence you deserve.


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